Sunday, February 18, 2007

For Everyone who has been waiting too long for a Jackson update.

Hi guys, sorry it has been so long since I last posted. Between work and Jackson I seem very busy. There is also the task of getting the computer away from Adam. Anyway enough excuses. Everything is going so good here. If you didn't know Jackson you would almost not be able to tell he had ever been sick, until you take off his clothes and see his scars and G-Button. He is pretty much on track for a baby his age. He is not crawling but he scoots. Jackson's therapist says sometimes it hurts babies with g-buttons to push up onto all fours. I honestly think that is the only thing keeping him from crawling. He brings his knees up and scoots so I know he will do it when he is ready. He still gets anywhere he wants by rolling, he rolls all over the house. We are trying to figure out a way to attach swiffer cloths to him so he can clean the wood floors while he plays. He started sitting up on his own around the 23rd of January. He sits up and grabs all his toys, he loves to put his toys in containers. We have a large plastic mixing bowl that he loves to put toys in and take them out again. He has a dinosaur toy that has balls that you put into and they roll out of the dinosaurs mouth. He will sit there and do that for about an hour at a time. He gets so excited every time. He claps his hands a lot especially after Adam or I clap for him. He loves to wave. He waves when we come in or leave a room. So basically like I said he is a normal one year old. We are still having feeding issues. We got a new kind of g-button (Nutriport) and that fixed all of the throwing up. I don't think he has reflux I think it was just the other g-button (Mic-key), which we believe was causing dumping syndrome. Aside from a stomach bug that he got from me he has been perfectly healthy and has not thrown up since we got the new button. The stomach bug however did earn us a night in the E.R. getting I.V. hydration. The only issue I have with the Nutriport g-button is that he seems to be going through them super fast, but then again the Mic-key buttons didn't seem to last too long either as they seemed to give out after about 5 weeks. They are supposed to last 6 months to a year. His first Nutriport g-button lasted 3 weeks and the second one only lasted 17 days. The doctors have no idea why this is happening. The only thing I can figure out is that he plays on his stomach and rolls around so much they are getting damaged. He is still eating baby food. He will eat about half of a container of stage 2 foods at a time, after that he totally loses interest and screams. If we try to give anything with more texture then that he just spits it out. He likes to lick and suck on things like crackers or biter biscuits but once he gets a piece off in his mouth he spits it out. He is starting to learn to drink from a sippy cup, he is able to suck out some water and swallow without any problems. He does the same thing with the baby fruit puff things. Our therapist is going to have a special eating therapist come with her next time to help us with these issues. Jackson had an MRI just after the last post. His MRI came back totally normal and they could see no evidence of his previous bleeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jackson got to meet another set of Great grandparents. He met Adam's grandparents on his dads side. I was unfortunately at work the night they were in town, I so wish I could have been there. I am posting a picture of Jackson with Adam's family and then one of him with his great grandparents Noveline and Lowell Burgess.
At the end of January an amazing woman named Marcelle had a get together at her house for a lot of CDH mommies. It was so wonderful. It was so great to finally meet all of these people that I feel like I already knew so well. They are all amazing and strong. Catherine (Sofia's mommy) from San Antonio, Lauren (Avery's mommy) from Canada, Jessica (Parker's mommy) from Carolina, and a few other moms from the Dallas area were there. Jackson likes to chew on t-shirts, I guess because of the oral aversion thing, his friend Audrey likes to chew on her blanket. It was truly amazing. I hope this was just the first of many get togethers. I guess that is all for now. I really promise to update more often. We will be having Jackson's first birthday party March 10th and I will definitely post pictures after. Thanks for reading, and once again sorry so long between posts.

Kimberly, Adam and Jackson


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for new pictures of "our" amazing baby boy. He is doing so good and is such a sweet darling------------

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are SO lucky this was here tonight, I was seriously going to start bugging you EVERYDAY until you updated! LOVE the new pics and more so to hear how awesome he's doing, great great stuff! We will certainly need to get together more often, especially once winter is officially behind us (cold/flu).
LOVE the update!

6:45 PM  
Blogger The Goddess G said...

Jackson is doing so awesome! Thanks for the update. He is so handsome!

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Kimberly, Adam, and Jackson---
I was beginning to posts in such a long time!!! I look on your blog often to see what's going on with Jackson....I still miss y'all here at TCH!!! He looks so good and is doing sooooo well---YEAH!!! Can't wait to see those FIRST BIRTHDAY pictures..As you so often say..AMAZING!!!! Love, Allyson

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi from PA. It has been very icy here and have enjoyed the update. I was stuck at work for a few days so it was so nice to open up Jackson's site and see that beautiful smile. It would be really nice if we could see him in person. I have room at my house if you can come East. We can baby proof in a hurry. I can even getg a crib,highchair whatever. Karen from PA.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to say Happy 1st Birhtday to a very special boy. Keep up with the smiles Jackson you are just to cute. Love Karen from PA.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to be the first to say Happy Birthday Jackson (1.5 hours early)!!!!
I can't believe it's been a year, what an amazing little man he is!

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birth Day Jackson
What an amazing year you and your mommy & dad have had--so many lives you and your journey have affected I wish I could explain to you how hugely I love you but there are no words--so instead I'll hold you tight and smother you with kisses

6:42 AM  

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