Wednesday, May 10, 2006

New et tube

Tuesday morning Jackson kept desaturating and wasn't able to keep his oxygen stats up to acceptable levels with his 3.5 et tube despite being on 75% oxygen, so the doctors finally decided to reintubate Jackson with a larger tube, this time with a 4.0 et tube. The reintubation went smoothly the doctors said. While the bigger et tube has helped some, he still is on higher oxygen levels and pressure settings than he was just a few days before on a smaller tube. Today, Jackson has been keeping his oxygen levels around 92-98 on 50-55% oxygen from the vent. The doctors had an echocardiogram (heart sonogram) done today on Jackson because they think his pulmonary hypertension has increased and the preliminary readings seem to indicate just as they thought, so they are planning on keeping his vent oxygen settings up around 50- 55% and letting him really rest for a few days or more in the hopes that this will help reverse the increase in his pulmonary hypertension. Jackson will not have any pressure support trials in the mean time until he shows that his pulmonary hypertension has decreased. Although this isn't great news at least now we know why he has been requiring more and more support from the vent over the past several days and can begin to treat it accordingly. On Tuesday afternoon Kimberly and I helped bathe Jackson as the nurse said he was very stinky.

Hope you enjoy the pictures. Please continue to pray for Jackson as well as the other cdh babies and their families.

Adam & Kimberly


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He looks awesome! His expressions are priceless. He's a toughie I think; I'll be sending lots of positive thoughts his way to get back on his trial offs soon!

Keep going Jackson!

1:05 AM  

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